Where and how should we store toys?
The number of toys gets bigger, the older the child grows. It seems unbelievable, but every parent will certainly agree with this statement. If you have kids, toys can probably be found everywhere around your house, not only in their bedrooms. How can we organise all the toys to keep our house tidy and avoid the hustle of putting them back to their place every day?
Too many toys?
Before we discuss the best storage place for toys, it’s a good idea to look through them all and get rid of those that are damaged, lack some elements (e.g., jigsaw puzzles) and therefore, are useless.
Obviously, it doesn’t mean that we have to get rid of all the toys that our child hasn’t recently played with. Children, from time to time, like going back to things that they have temporarily “abandoned.” That’s why it’s so important to keep an eye on them. Moreover, if your little one is 5 years old and you still have toys from when they were 2 years old, you don’t need to throw them away immediately. If they are still in a good condition, you can always sell them or pass them on to someone. Damaged toys, depending on what they are made of, can be recycled and get a new life. This way not only will we reduce the number of unnecessary toys in our house, but also do something good for the environment.
Keeping toys at home – practical tips
Storing toys can become a little bit more complicated if we have, for example, two kids with a significant age gap. Then the number of toys inevitably goes up, as we need things that are appropriate for, let’s say, a two-year-old and a six-year-old. Luckily, there are a few practical solutions that we can use to be on top of the whole toy-related chaos.
How should we store toys? Assign them to a spot.
If you stick to that rule, not only will you be able to keep your house tidy, but also help your children develop the habit of keeping the place neat. The perfect solution would be to have a separate playroom where you would store all the things that your children play with. Unfortunately, not all of us have the right conditions to do it, for example, if we have a small flat and our space is limited.
You can start organising toys by assigning them to a specific spot. It’s really important to keep doing it with your children. This way, not only will they remember where to put back their storybooks or stuffed animals, but they will also learn to be responsible for their things.
Storing toys in containers
Practical containers can really help us getting all the toys organised. A really good option are clear plastic containers for toys. They will allow your child to quickly find the things that they want to play with, without making any extra mess while looking for a favourite toy. Plastic containers are great for storing toys, for example, big blocks and the toy car collection can be kept in one place.
Toy baskets
Toy bags and baskets are a functional solution that is becoming more and more popular. They can easily fit stuffed animals, as well as bedsheets and board games. Smaller toys can also be put in mesh washing bags used to wash underwear or you can make some bags yourself using the fabrics that you have at hand.
A great solution that will help us keep our children’s things organised are toy chests. They are usually bigger and heavier than boxes and, apart from storing toys, they can also be used as a seat or a stool in your child’s bedroom.
Trying to store toys in a limited space? Use storage services
Unfortunately, sometimes no matter how much we try, we can’t keep all the children’s toys at home. Of course, if we live in a block of flats, we can also use the basement area, however, we can’t really control what happens to our things there. These rooms aren’t usually well-protected and virtually anyone can have access to them. Therefore, it’s highly possible that our possessions may get stolen.
In this case, a better solution is using rental storage units.
Self storage – a convenient way of storing toys
If you decide to use Less Mess Storage unit, you can rest assured that your children’s toys are in a good place. First of all, Less Mess Storage gives you a safety guarantee. 24/7 video surveillance, modern security systems, individual alarms customised to specific rooms – we’ve put all these features in place bearing in mind your comfort.
How should you store toys at Less Mess Storage? If you decide to use our services, you will receive, among other things, your personal access code for your rental rooms that will allow you to access them at any time. Moreover, we have implemented modern heating and ventilation systems on-site. With them, you can rest assured that external factors, such as cold and humidity, are not going to affect your children’s toys.
Less Mess Storage can be easily found in the biggest cities in Poland: in Warsaw, Cracow, Poznań, Wrocław, the Tricity. Check out which one of our branches is the closest to you: www.lessmess.storage/lokalizacje/