Storing your clothes in a limited space. 7 ideas
Warm winter coats, spring and autumn jackets, comfy shorts and T-shirts for the summer – in just a few years we can gather a plethora of different types of clothes. We get attached to our clothes nearly as much as we get attached to our family heirlooms, so we like to keep them, including the pieces that we haven’t worn in a really long time. But when we start lacking space to put all our garments, it becomes a bit of an issue. Small studios sometimes don’t even have enough room for a spacious wardrobe. So where can we store all the clothes? We’ve got some advice!
1. Sort out your clothes. Keep some… But don’t exaggerate.
The first step towards a better organisation of your wardrobe space is getting rid of some of your clothes. Let’s be honest – we’ve all been victims of amazingly tempting bargains and spur-of-the-moment shopping decisions at least once in our lives. And these clothes often end up stuck at the back of our closet, because, truth be told, we never really needed them.
As time goes by, we can also change the style of clothes that we wear and realise that we don’t like our old trousers or sweatshirts as much as we used to. But we still keep them at home. At the end of the day, it’s a difficult decision to throw away something that is in a good condition and may still come in handy.
That’s why it is a good idea to look more carefully through our clothes and decide which ones we actually want to keep. Whatever is left, we can give it away to our family or friends, sell or donate to charity. Keeping only the clothes we need and like allows us to have a less cluttered space and makes it easier to manage it.
If you sort out your clothes regularly and always get rid of the ones that you don’t wear anymore, you’re on the right path to having a tidy house. This method is especially useful if we have small kids, as they quickly grow out of their shoes and clothes. Instead of keeping them at home, it’s much better to pass them on to someone who might need them more.
2. How to store your clothes? Rent a storage unit
But let’s imagine that we live in a big family where everybody loves to do indulge in seasonal sports. Then we need to have appropriate clothes for rock climbing or skiing within our reach, but a flat is usually too small to fit all of them. Many people decide to keep some of these things on a balcony, alternatively in a basement, a garage or in lockers.
But it’s important to remember that in the end it might not be the best idea. The things that you keep on your balcony are exposed to weather conditions, such as heavy rain, strong wind or intense UV radiation. We also need to mention that there are better and more pleasant ways of using your balcony – it can serve as a tiny garden for flowers and herbs or simply a place where you can sit down and relax in the open air. Basements, on the other hand, do not always have the necessary protection and the conditions inside them might not be favourable for fragile clothes, e.g., because of high humidity levels.
That is why, it is better to rent a Less Mess Storage unit to keep your clothes. You only need to decide what room size you need and sign a contract, which can also be done online. And… you’re good to go – you can safely transfer your clothes to your personal storage unit. It is protected with a personal access code, an alarm and video surveillance system so you don’t need to worry that anything gets stolen. A rental storage unit is a great solution for keeping your own and your children’s clothes. And then you can easily pick them up whenever you need them. You do not need to worry anymore where you’ll put some of your clothes that you don’t have space for, especially if your flat is rather small. You can rent your storage unit at https://www.lessmess.storage. It’s a solution for everyone who finds themselves in need of some extra storage space.
3. Keeping your clothes in a niche, without a wardrobe
Your dream house has a niche with atypical dimensions, difficult to fit a wardrobe. Do you feel like it’s a waste of space and it’s giving you nightmares? Well, it doesn’t have to be a waste of space. Even if your niche has atypical dimensions, you can still fit some shelves and a regular hanger there. You’ll gain some extra space for your clothes and they will also look nice.
But if you store your clothes in such a niche without a wardrobe, you need to be extra careful about keeping it clean. If your coats and T-shirts are not freshly washed and ironed but they are covered with dust and visibly worn out, it will not create the best image.
If you don’t have a spacious niche at home, you can always create it yourself. For example, you can use the space under the stairs. You can also assemble some drawers on the wall – that’s where you can put the clothes that you don’t need at the moment. It’s a solution that will not only allow you to save some space in your wardrobe, but will also impress all of your guests, especially if you decide to choose stylish drawer handles – functional, but also decorative ones.
4. How to store your clothes without a wardrobe? Get some boxes and organisers
Who said that clothes can only be kept in wardrobes and closets? If we don’t have enough room to fit the furniture that we want, we can organise our space differently. Our clothes can also be stored in elegant boxes or organisers. We can buy them virtually anywhere and they come in many different colours and with many different patterns, so it’s easy to find some that will match our interior design. Boxes full of clothes can be placed under a bed, on shelves or even kept on the floor in our living room or bedroom. You can simply arrange them into a fancy pyramid, so not only will it be functional, but it will also look stylish. An interesting gadget is also a cardboard closet with a bar to hang up hangers, available at ekartony.pl. It doesn’t take much space and it can be a great wardrobe. Check it out by clicking HERE.
Colourful boxes are also a great idea for storing your children’s clothes. It will also help you teach your little ones to take care of their things. Boxes with designs of their favourite cartoons will be a great addition to their bedroom and will also make it possible to maximise the space and easily store your daughter’s or son’s shoes or clothes.
5. Clothes hanger… Without a closet
Storing clothes in a small flat can be a real challenge. Of course, we can order custom made furniture, but it’s not always easy to find a happy middle between its functionality and the space that it takes. Additionally, custom made furniture tends to be quite pricey and, let’s face it, we can’t always afford it.
Contrarily to what you may think, in order to keep your clothes organised in a small flat, you don’t need the whole wardrobe – you just need… a clothes hanger stand, just like the one you can see in most of the clothes shops. It doesn’t take up too much space in your bedroom and, if you choose the appropriate dimensions, it can fit quite a lot of things. This way you also gain a new, original accessory in your flat. But if you don’t want your guests to be able to look through your clothes freely, you can always get a stylish panel screen. You will separate your hanger stand from the rest of the house, without disrupting the aesthetics of the room.
But if, on the other hand, you want to put your hanger stand on display, you should look for an appropriate design. A classic metal one will go very well with modern, industrial interiors. And if other furniture accessories are also made of metal, the whole room will look coherent and classy. If you’re more into cosy interiors, you can go for a wooden hanger and choose a fancy shape. It’s a great fit for rustic, retro or Scandinavian interior design.
6. Storing clothes – useful accessories
If you feel like you’re snowed under with clothes, that they are literally flooding your tiny flat, do not hesitate to resort to quick fix solutions using the things you have at hand. Even a bookcase, especially the one you don’t really use, can be easily transformed into a clothes storage space. Just empty the shelves and put you clothes on them. But don’t forget to wash and fold them neatly! Contrarily to what you may think, they will not attract too much attention and open furniture will make the room look bigger. And if you’re moving to a new place, invest in tall furniture pieces, even the ones that go all the way up to the ceiling. You might think that they are overwhelming, but they’ll let you maximise the space that you have.
Sometimes, we come up with clothes storage solution at the most unexpected moment, so it’s good to have all the necessary accessories. Your clothes can also be kept in wicker or fabric baskets that you can easily put in the corner of a room so that they are not in your way. There are also many functional shoe hangers available on the market that will allow you to declutter your space. Remember that a metal bar to hang up a few pieces of clothing can be put up almost everywhere so there’s a chance that you can free up even more space than before.
7. Tidy up
It’s something quite obvious but in small flats, where every inch is precious, it’s even more important. If you keep your clothes tidy at all times, you will always be able to handle the excess of things that you have. So, avoid the situations in which most of your clothes are scattered around the chairs or on the floor. Put them back where they belong systematically and make sure that your space is always neat and tidy.