Spring – the perfect time for a deep clean
The long-awaited spring has finally arrived – and with it longer, warmer days and the opportunity to put away the thick jackets, warm jumpers, scarves and boots to the bottom of the wardrobe. Haven’t you had enough of cold, grey days, yet? A more pleasant half of the year lies ahead. Nature is waking up and the world is becoming more colourful. This is the perfect time for spring clean-up. Cleaning windows, washing curtains and drapes, cleaning kitchen cupboards, the fridge, tidying up the garden, balcony, terrace and also … the wardrobe! We can slowly wash and hide jackets, thick coats, snow boots, boots, warm jumpers and other winter clothes. It’s also a good time to change your interior decoration.
Wondering what to do with skis, snowboards, sleds or other space-consuming seasonal items? Do you live in a small flat and lack the space to store all those overalls, sports accessories, skates and boxes of thick bedding? A place that will work great as a secure storage cell, protected by modern security systems, is the self-storage facility Less Mess Storage. You can easily store your seasonal belongings in our storage units. Depending on your needs, you can decide on the perfect self storage space for you. Every room has optimal conditions – you can store your clothes, sports accessories and other seasonal items there without worrying about humidity damaging them.
Organising the capsule wardrobe
Are you planning to start organising your wardrobe? Are you daunted by the amount of clothes you own? Find out what a capsule wardrobe is and get rid of the problem of excess clothes!
A capsule wardrobe is a way of organising your clothes based on having a limited number of items of clothing that can be easily put together. In line with this principle, you should choose high-quality base garments that will suit many different occasions. High-quality materials are the base of a capsule wardrobe. When choosing pieces of clothing, opt for timeless, versatile cuts that fit many occasions. Go for minimalism and simple forms.
The capsule wardrobe is a good choice both for those who want to reduce the number of clothes, and for those who do not like shopping and appreciate high-quality clothing that will look great for much longer than one season and will not change its shape after one wash. It is a lifestyle that will appeal to the teenager as well as the mature woman, the businesswoman, and anyone who travels or moves a lot. Remember that a capsule wardrobe does not have to be based solely on black and white clothing pieces. You can opt for and build on 3-5 neutral colours. You can also incorporate more vibrant colours into your wardrobe – but make sure they work together appropriately, so you can easily match the different items of clothing.
Capsule wardrobe 2024 – how to organise it?
Start by tidying up your clothes wardrobe – go through your wardrobe carefully and divide your clothes into those you wear and those that have just been hanging around and getting dusty for a long time. Then carefully review the condition of the clothes you wear and like and check their quality. Get rid of clothes, shoes and accessories that are damaged or made of non-breathable, artificial fabrics, including acrylic, polyester or nylon. A capsule wardrobe involves having a small number of high-quality clothes, shoes and accessories with a minimalist, versatile cut.
Capsule wardrobe – a list
You can choose to create a seasonal capsule wardrobe for spring, summer, autumn and winter or a capsule wardrobe depending on your destination – casual, work, party or larger outing.
The basic items that should be included in a capsule wardrobe are shirts in neutral colours, a white shirt, 2-3 pairs of trousers, 2-3 dresses and skirts, 1-2 pairs of shorts, a blazer, coat, jacket, cardigan, stilettos, boots, sneakers, pumps, a small handbag for going out and a large bag for everyday occasions. Create your capsule wardrobe and enjoy more wardrobe space and easy maintenance!