Spring cleaning
After a few months filled with short and cloudy days, spring is finally here! Days are getting longer and longer and nature springs to life. The weather outside is getting nicer and warmer, while sun rays pierce through clouds more and more often.
This is also the period when plenty of people decide to give their house a thorough cleaning. It is time to put away thick winter coats, heavy, warm boots, large blankets or winter sport accessories, such as sledges, skis, snowboards, ski suits and other seasonal objects. It is also time to refresh your wardrobe – you can pack your thick jumpers and cardigans into boxes, store them at the back of your closet and replace them with lighter clothes.
April – high time for a spring cleaning of the house
Are you planning a spring cleaning of your house? Thorough cleaning implies the necessity to find the right storage place for your winter things. As much as coats, boots and feather duvets can be stored in a closet, things such as sledges, skis, snowboards and ski suits would take up too much space. Keeping these things in your flat will significantly limit your space and, in consequence, your general comfort.
While people who live in big houses usually have enough storage space, those who live in flats don’t have enough room for everything. For many of them it means the necessity of storing seasonal things in traditional storage units, basements or garages that are usually cold and quite damp. Such storage conditions may lead to their significant deterioration or even complete destruction. Deterioration of the stored objects may render them completely useless for the following season. That is why it is so important to find an appropriate storage space.
Additionally, places such as a garage, a basement or a storage unit in your block of flats are usually poorly secured, which increases the risk of your things being stolen.
Store your seasonal things safely
A safe alternative to storage units in blocks of flats, garages or basements are self storage units. They are not traditional storage units. Each room is locked separately and the access to the whole facility is secured with modern security systems.
Storing your things with Less Mess Storage means protecting them against being destroyed by keeping them in appropriate conditions.
Rental storage units as a perfect alternative to basements, garages or traditional storage units
A self storage unit is a perfect storage solution where, in the spring and summer time, you can easily store your winter items – from coats and boots, through skis and sledges, to a Christmas tree, baubles and decorations. Similarly, in the autumn and winter time, you can store your summer accessories.
Less Mess Storage offers many different sizes of rental units, which allows you to choose the one that will suit your needs best. In case of any doubts, Less Mess Storage employees are happy to help you make your choice. This way, you will avoid picking a unit that is too small and won’t contain all of your belongings, but also you won’t end up paying for an oversized unit that would remain half-empty. Find the storage unit that is perfect for your needs and enjoy the comfort that this solution gives you.
If you want to find out prices of self storage units, we invite you to visit our website, select the location and check the price list. You can also make a free booking online and make sure that this solution is the perfect one for you.