Self Storage Holešovice

Office Hours:
Monday – Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
All our stores are accessible to customers 24/7 using an individual access code.
Choose your unit size and reserve for free
Search Less Mess Location

Less Mess Rumia – tu przechowasz swoje rzeczy
Argentinská 516/40
Prague 7, 170 00
Czech Republic
Tel: +420 296 788 111
Access 24/7 all year round for existing customers using their own PIN code.
Opening hours:
Monday – Friday : 9.00 – 17.00
Oryginal store
Also check out our premium store opened August 2024, co-located here:

Are you in a hurry? Fill in the form and we will be in touch.

Did you know?
Most customers select a room which is double their needs, not realising how easy it is to pack items using the full unit height.
Consider selecting a smaller room and see how much money you save.