Moving into a new house or flat is a significant life event. Unfortunately, it may turn out to be very stressful due to all the planning, packing up and transporting things – from furniture to clothes – that it involves. If you are not sure where to start, read our guide and learn more about the self storage service.
Moving house – how to pack up your stuff?
Packing up many things can be a real pain in the neck. But if we plan the whole process carefully beforehand, it will go quickly and smoothly.
For starters, it is recommended to make a small inventory of all the appliances and equipment that we have. It will surely include some things that have been lying around our basement or attic for months, only collecting dust. What a great opportunity to get rid of them! If they are in a good condition, you can easily sell them on auction platforms or pass them on to your family or friends.
Moving house – the right boxes and accessories to pack up your things
Once you already know what you are going to take with you to your new place, you need to find some durable boxes. You can easily buy them in every unit of Less Mess Storage ‒ the chain of rental self storage units. In every location, you can purchase all the resources necessary to pack up, store or transport your belongings. You can also have them delivered to your door if you order on eKartony.pl. There, you will find cardboard boxes that will not only fit your clothes or toys, but also household equipment and appliances. Moreover, in every unit you will get some helpful advice regarding the quantity and type of boxes that you may need.
Bigger cardboard boxes will be great for clothes or toys ‒ the things that are quite light, but take relatively lots of space. Smaller cardboard boxes will be perfect to pack up heavier books or dishes. Remember ‒ the heavier your things are, the smaller your box should be.
If you are wondering how to pack up your things into boxes before moving house, bear in mind that you should always fill up the box completely. If there is still some empty space, fill it up with some styrofoam filler that you can also buy at Less Mess Storage units. Bubble wrap or paper will also come in handy. Remember not to leave any empty space in the boxes under any circumstances. If they are completely full, it will make them more stable and they will not get damaged in transport. By packing up your things this way, you will prevent them from getting damaged.
How to pack up your things before moving house so that the whole process goes quickly and smoothly? It is critical to make sure that your boxes are properly labelled. Thanks to that, when you are finally in your new house or flat, the whole process of unpacking will be much easier. With appropriate and detailed labels, instead of checking the content of each and every box, you will immediately know where to find your dishes or children’s clothes or toys.
Obviously, do not forget about all the other accessories necessary to pack up your belongings, such as sealing tape that you will need to seal your boxes and a sharp enough knife, scissors, as well as labels to mark the content of your boxes. You can easily order them in every Less Mess Storage shop and on eKartony.pl.
How to pack up your clothes before moving house?
If you are worried that some of your things might get damaged or creased, it is a good idea to choose appropriate boxes for them. A perfect solution for clothes that are usually hung up on hangers or that need special attention are closet type storage boxes. They are very big and sturdy cardboard boxes with a bar to hang up suits or coats on hangers.
Why is it a good idea to use Less Mess Storage service when moving house?
Every case of moving house is different. Sometimes, even if we already know how to pack up our belongings, we cannot place our things in the new house or flat immediately and therefore, we must find an appropriate place to store them. This happens very often when renovation works are not finished in a timely manner. In such case, instead of asking our friends or family for a favour, we can just stock our things in a self storage unit of Less Mess Storage.
This self-service storage unit guarantees that your things are stored safely. All the Less Mess Storage units have been equipped with modern security systems: 24-hour video surveillance, individual alarm systems set up in every room, as well as special alarms that inform about any unauthorised entry to storage units.
Using self storage services, you are 100% sure that all your belongings are stored in a secure place. What is more, as a Less Mess Storage customer, you will have 24/7 access to your things. Additionally, you will receive a personal access code enabling you to use storage services regardless of circumstances.
Less Mess Storage can be easily found in the biggest cities in Poland: Warsaw, Wrocław, Cracow, Poznań and the Tricity.