How to transport animals?
Transporting a dog or a cat might seem like an uncomplicated task, however, sometimes it turns out that you actually need some special preparation to do it. A lot depends on whether you transport your pets within your own country or internationally. Read on to find out how to prepare for it properly.
Regardless of whether you transport animals internationally or domestically, you always need to make sure to take care of a few things that will affect your overall security. First and foremost, transporting pets is not as simple as it might seem. Even if you transport a dog or a cat in your own vehicle, make sure that you comply with all the most important rules which are to a great extent defined by the law. It means that we take care not only of our own safety, but also the one of our pets. Even though professional transport of animals might be costly, in many situations it is worth the money. But what are the things that we must absolutely remember about?
Transporting pets in a car requires the vehicle owner to use special carriers and cages that, in a life-threatening situation, will not affect passengers’ health in a negative way. The choice of a carrier might depend on a size of your animal.
Pet-friendly transport of dogs and cats
Transporting a dog usually requires using a special cage that needs to be installed in your car boot, for example. It refers especially to large dog breeds that would not fit into a regular carrier. We should remember that this sort of equipment should only be bought from well-known sources. The cage is not only supposed to ensure the safety of an animal, but also of all the passengers. If we don’t have an appropriate cage or a carrier, we may use special mats or belts that will not restrain our pet’s mobility completely, but they will prevent them from moving around the car too much.
Transporting smaller animals, such as cats, is a bit simpler. In this case we need to buy a special carrier, where our pet will stay during the drive. We should remember not to put the carrier in between the seats, as it may lead to dangerous situations in the event of a crash. Transporting pets in an appropriate way involves using special belts that allow you to attach the carrier to the seat.
In what way is transporting pets abroad different?
The regulations regarding transporting live animals abroad are a little bit complicated. We always need to make sure that we have all the necessary documents. For the most important information, we should contact the transportation company. Therefore, if we are interested in transporting a dog by plane, the best thing to do is to contact the airline company. The same information applies to transporting a cat abroad if we decide to take them on a plane with us.
In order to ensure smooth and seamless transport of pets abroad, the best thing to do is to have all the required vaccines beforehand and make sure that a specific breed is not on the list of animals that are not allowed to be brought to a given country. For this reason, transporting animals domestically is much simpler, especially if we talk about regular pets.
Long trip with a pet and renting your flat
If you already know how to organise the transport of your pet, you can go ahead and plan a long trip to a remote destination. Once you’ve decided what your destination will be, it is a good idea to estimate how long you’ll be gone for. If it is a trip that lasts more than a few days or weeks, let’s say a few months, it might be worth considering what you will do about your flat during this time. Paying for it while you’re not there is a waste of money. As we all know, travelling is a costly activity. You might want to take into consideration renting your flat for the time when you’re travelling. Not only will you not waste money, but you’ll also get some extra cash that can be useful during the trip.
Rent your flat and store your things at Less Mess Storage
Wondering what to do with your things when you rent your flat to someone? Some of your belongings, the things that you’re not bringing with you on your trip, can be stored in a safe self storage unit of Less Mess Storage. A self storage unit is a much better, equipped with modern security systems alternative solution to traditional storage rooms, basements or garages. Not only do the above-mentioned places have poor security systems and overall security level, but they also tend to be damp and cold. Self storage units, on the other hand, have optimum storage conditions. The contract with Less Mess Storage can be signed for a week, a month or an undetermined duration with a 30-day notice period. Choose the most appropriate size for your needs and rent a fully safe storage space.