House fire. Where should we store the things that haven’t been damaged?
Even though we usually like to think that we are prepared for anything and that nothing will be able to surprise us, there are situations that we simply have no control over and that can turn our lives upside down. One of them is a fire in your house or flat. It is definitely one of the darkest scenarios that can happen to us in life, especially given the fact that it can present a serious threat to our life and health. Fire can destroy everything that comes its way. Luckily, in some situations certain things can be saved from a fire. See where you can safely store the rest of your belongings.
The most common causes of house fire
Fire is the element that, when given the right conditions, can spread extremely quickly. Therefore, we should know how to react if we are at home when a fire breaks out. According to statistics, 90% of fires happen in residential buildings and nearly 60% of them in multi-family buildings. As far as the causes are concerned, according to the National Fire Brigade, the most frequent cause is the human factor. It includes improper use of heating devices, leaving your kettle unattended or throwing a cigarette butt that hasn’t been properly put out into the bin. A frequent cause of house fires are also small children getting their hands on matches, electrical short-circuits, improper use of flammable substances, scented candles or incenses.
What should we do in case of house fire?
If a fire breaks out at home, it definitely triggers strong emotions and panic reactions and very often we stop thinking rationally. However, keeping your composure in a situation of a house fire is extremely important and can save your life. When there is a fire, many people are faced with a dilemma: should I try to put it out by myself? In such a situation, we should immediately call the fire brigade. You can never be sure how quickly the fire will spread and trying to tackle it by yourself can have deadly consequences. Even our children should be familiar with the fire brigade number (in Poland: 998 or emergency number 112).
If the fire spreads quickly, everyone should leave the building as quickly as possible. Remember that you shouldn’t stop and try to rescue your belongings. Even though it might seem hard to do, material things are unimportant when your life and the lives of your nearest and dearest are at stake. When leaving your house or flat, do not open the windows, as even the tiniest blow of wind may cause the fire to spread more quickly.
House after a fire
Remember that you can minimise the risk of fire, as well as the risk of losing your precious belongings. It is a good idea to do regular inspections of the heating systems and be careful when getting in touch with fire, for example when lighting a fireplace. Another good move is to purchase a small fire extinguisher and smoke and carbon dioxide detectors. We should also consider insuring our home against fire damage.
But what should we do after we have already had a fire? Once the fire is put out, and our safety is no longer at risk, we should have a look and make an assessment of how serious the damage is. It is also a good idea to think of getting a temporary place for our family, until the damage in our house or flat is repaired. We should then come up with a storage solution for the things that we have saved from the fire.
Less Mess Storage – self-service rental storage units
A useful solution in this situation is self storage, which is a kind of service that in Poland is provided, among others, by our company, Less Mess Storage. Renting a storage unit can come in handy in many complicated life situations and it will definitely be helpful when we need a place to store our things or important documents that have been saved from the fire.
In those self-service units, you can keep your personal belongings, clothes, furniture, electronic devices, kitchen appliances and all kinds of documents. You can pick the size of your unit yourself to make it appropriate for your needs or we can help you choose the right size. By choosing our services, you will no longer need to ask for help your friends or family, who already show you a lot of support during this difficult period.
With Less Mess Storage, you can relax and feel sure that the things you have decided to store are completely safe. All of our storage rooms have been equipped with innovative security systems and 24/7 surveillance cameras. And you, as a client, can digit your own personal access code that will allow you to enter the storage unit at any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is a very convenient feature, especially when you move your things after a fire.