
Store your stuff here

  DriveUp City Poznań   

DriveUp City is a modern storage solution

inspired by classic American self storage facilities.

Looking for space for your inventories or belongings?

You are in the right place.

  • 24/7 access
  • security
  • flexible rental period
  • convenience

Why DriveUp?

  • Direct access: ideal for storing heavy or bulky items.
  • Roll-up door: for easy access.
  • Plenty of space: 18 m2 units and height of 2,5m sloping up to 3m.
  • Vehicle storage: can be used as a garage for a car, motorbike, boat or quad.

A perfect match for you:


Private customers

You cannot use your garage anymore because it is full of stuff? It is time to declutter it. DriveUp units are perfect for sports equipment, furniture and garden tools. It is also the perfect place to store things for when you are renovating or moving house.



Business storage with easy access. Perfectly sized, ease for delivery – conveniently load and unload your things right into your car.


Car storage

An ideal place for car enthusiasts. Store your cabriolet, your beloved retro car or your motorbike after the season. If you like DIY, you can fit lots of equipment and tools for your projects here.

And if you would prefer to visit to see the DriveUp City, please