Companies – both big and small – need space to store leaflets and advertising materials
Running your own business often comes with lots of expenses and limitations. Not every entrepreneur can afford to keep a big office or even to rent a smaller one. Then they are faced with a problem of how to store all the company resources and equipment. Luckily, self storage units come to their rescue.
Self Storage – how does it work?
Self storage rental units are becoming more and more popular. Customers can choose among many different sizes. Some rooms are as small as 0.5 m², while some are even bigger than 25 m². Therefore, it’s easy to find a room with just the right size for your things. Not sure what room size you need? Check it out here.
Moreover, there is no specified rental period. A customer can decide how long they will need the storage for. You can sign a short-term contract and then extend it if it turns out that you need it for a longer period. At Less Mess Storage, both individual customers and companies are welcome.
Also, there are virtually no limitations regarding what you can store. It can be electronic equipment, as well as securities. What is more, if you inform the staff of our branch office, you can store hermetically sealed food or alcohol too. If you often order advertising materials, such as leaflets, you can also place them in our unit to avoid unnecessary clutter in your office or at home.
Self service storage for small and big companies
It is a no-brainer that self storage is useful when you redecorate your flat and need to get rid of your furniture for some time to do all the necessary works. It’s the same story when you move house. However, self storage turns out to be particularly useful when you have your own business and your office is not big enough to fit everything – especially when the office in question is just a room in a rented flat. In such case, you can use secure storage unit to place your archived documents, goods and advertising materials, instead of putting them somewhere where they don’t belong. All the equipment that you currently don’t need on-site can also be transferred to your storage unit.
It’s an exceptionally good solution for small companies. It is clear as day that one of the most important elements that contributes to our company image is how we come across to our customers. If our office is messy and cluttered with things, it does not make the best impression on them. Using storage services enables us to keep the office tidy. It will also make it easier to organise our stuff and have everything at hand, especially if we have a lot of equipment.
Self storage is also a good idea – or even a necessity – for people who are forced to work from home, as renting a separate office generates too many expenses for them. If you have an online shop, instead of having your goods delivered to your house, you can place them in a storage unit. You have access to your stuff 24/7.
We issue VAT invoices, which is very important for every entrepreneur, as it allows them to include storage costs in tax deductible expenses.
If you are a salesperson and you already feel that using our services will make your life much easier, but your boss is reluctant to sign a contract and you worry that it might be difficult to talk your managers into it, first of all, calmly explain the whole procedure to them. It is extremely simple – all the formalities take only 15 minutes. The contract can also be signed remotely – directly with your boss so that they have enough time to read through all the terms and conditions. If any questions arise in the meantime, we are here to answer them.
Once you have your Less Mess Storage unit, the whole logistics of your work becomes much easier to manage, especially given that our branches are located in Warsaw, Cracow, Poznań, the Tricity and Wrocław. This means that you can pick a suitable location or rent units in several different locations – then you will always have access to your goods and other things you need for your work – wherever you are.
Self storage and storing parcels
If you have an online shop, one of the key elements of your activity is to make sure that your customers get their orders delivered safely and quickly to their address. If you rent one of our storage units, we’ll help you automate this process. Each of our branches has a shop with boxes and other resources useful for preparing your orders to be sent – including tapes, markers, fillers or labels to indicate fragile objects. The shop is open from Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 7 PM.
Having a rented storage space, you can safeguard your parcels and ask the courier to pick them up directly from there. There is also a possibility to leave the parcels with us and we will make sure that they get sent safely.
In reality, many clients hire a person to prepare the parcels and leave them with us and then we pass them on to a courier, so there is no need to wait all day for them to get picked up. Such a person will take around 2 hours to get the parcels ready. And you can be sure that all your deliveries go smoothly and you can enjoy more free space at home that you can use to your heart’s content.