Moving out before the divorce. What can you do with your things?
Life can write the most unexpected stories. Sometimes, it is difficult to predict how things will turn out in the future. And marriage is no exception. Two people vow to stay together in sickness and in health until death do them part, they live a happy life and then one day they realise that they can’t stand each other anymore. That’s usually when they decide that they want to get a divorce and one of them needs to move out. It’s a difficult moment – both emotionally and logistically. At this point we start wondering: what should I do with my things as I am moving out?
Divorce in Poland – some info
According to Central Statistical Office, marriages in Poland, even though they last quite long, more and more often end up in a divorce. What lies behind the decision to get divorced? It usually boils down to incompatibility of characters, infidelity, alcohol abuse or money-related conflicts. What is also worth noticing, according to Central Statistical Office, women are more often the ones who file for a divorce.
The number of divorce procedures is higher and higher every year. There were 60 thousand divorces in 2018 alone. In the current context – namely, the pandemic that we have been facing for a year now – that forced many people to spend all their time at home with their spouses, the experts predict that the divorce rate will increase even more.
Moving out before getting a divorce – what should I do?
When two people decide to get a divorce, usually one of them needs to move out. It’s definitely not an easy decision. We have to say goodbye to a place that in a way has become a part of our life and where we’ve lived lots of enjoyable and unforgettable moments. But it is important to remember that moving out before getting a divorce is a situation that triggers a lot of emotions and stress. People who decide to move don’t always have time to plan everything out. It is frequently a spur-of-the-moment decision or they simply want to leave the place that they have until now shared with their spouse as quickly as possible.
And inevitably, they have to ask themselves: what should I do with my things? Undoubtedly, after years of sharing the same house or flat, we have gathered loads of appliances, accessories or even clothes. If we need to move out from one day to another without having a new place lined up and possibly have to crash for a few nights at our family or friends’ house or get a hotel room, the issue of storing your things can be quite stressful.
Obviously, we can ask our family or friends for help, but storing your things at their houses can quickly turn out quite problematic for both sides. Why? Imagine, for example, that you quickly need to get your hands on some documents stored in boxes at your friends’ house. But unfortunately, you can’t access them, because nobody is home and you have to wait until they get back. So, what’s the best solution for this sort of situation? A helpful solution is to use rental storage units of Less Mess Storage.
Moving out while getting divorced – use self storage
Using storage services is the best solution when we decide to get divorced and quickly need to leave our current house with all our belongings. That’s the only way to make sure that our things are in a safe place for as long as we need it. In the context of divorce and moving out, storage services can be of great help.
What are storage services?
Even though storage services are not very popular in Poland, they are well-known in Western Europe and in the United States, where they have been present since the 1960s. In Poland, one of the providers of such services is our company. What do storage services consist of? It’s very simple. When it comes to our rental self storage units, you start by choosing the size of your room. We offer both small and big units, some of them as big as 35m².
After you’ve chosen the size of your storage unit, you sign a contract for a specified period of time, so it’s you who decides how long you’re going to use the storage for. Then you digit your personal access code that enables you to use our storage 24/7. And what is very important during the pandemic – all the paperwork can be done online.
Who can use self storage services?
Our rental storage units can be used by any adult. You can use it to store big pieces of furniture, household appliances, books, clothes, sport equipment and – after you’ve informed our staff about it – hermetically sealed food. Thanks to our video surveillance systems you can relax – your precious objects will be safe and stored in appropriate conditions until you find them a new home.